
Eight week (science)

                      We continued the oral in science about the DNA, and it's okay and nervous. All I can say is the whole week is so busy.

Eight week (Chemistry)

                    Acquaintance 95% loading. We were too busy preparing for our PGT, some of our teachers gave us their time for us to practice, and others don't --", Well it's okay tho.
      After the acquaintance party, Tadeeeeeng! Back to normal classes. We continued on the lessons that we haven't discuss yet, then teacher tackles about the scientific measures and answering our self assessment. Nosebleed a lil' bit because there are numbers, and you know, math, I'm not really in to that subject. Hahay!

Seventh week (Science)

                  Heey! No class on monday, because all the teachers attended the seminar, but we still had to wake up early because of our DNA output. And I will introduce to you my partner, Joyce! So she's the one who bought the clay, I am the one who form the Double Helix DNA model, yeah, it's so epic! It's not 3D! URGH!but it's okay, so she help me, form the clay to a lil' circles.
                 Tuesday, another day in the class. We had a group activity, and my groupmates are Coreen, Mylene, and Queenie. While doing the activity we're always laughing, idk because they said, whenever I talked, they laugh because of my "Bisdak" accent. Idk. that's all for my seventh week. 

Seventh week (Chemistry)

                     I really thank God for this week, it's so awesome because the science teachers have their seminar, and being nervous is not in my vocabulary in that week. HA!HA!HA! BUT! But, it doesn't mean that I will just sit in the corner and chill, I still need to stay busy so that the pending works will be done as soon as possible. I still need to finish our epic DNA model. I just can't explain how busy I am. bruuh! So stressed.

Six week (science)

                      The teacher just gave us an activities to do, then after that he told us that we need to find a pair for the next acticity we'll do, then after finding a partner, he said that we need to contruct a 3D DNA model. it's cool, and Im expecting that we can contruct a nice DNA model, hope so.

Six Week (chemistry)

                       Chemistry again! Fifth week in chemistry is just a normal week, the teacher have a further discussion about the Laboratory apparatus and checked our self-assesment. Infairness, I got a good score :))

FIFTH WEEEK (Chemistry)

                       We are already done with the other modules, then our teacher gave us a new topic and it's all about the Laboratory apparatus. It's exciting to know tat, it's all about the apparatus and then, the teacher discussed it ten, I didn't know there are so many apparatus in the Lab. Then after the discussions we have to answer our self assesment. I hope I'll have a nice score, or a perfect score? HAHAHA okay. Goodbye!


               Fifth week is just a normal week, we focused on the reportings about the Mendellian Principles of Heredity. Well, it's funny because Michael got kicked out because he's so talkative that time, then our teacher called him "Michael, out" Then he was like "Me sir?" "Yes you! Out." Funny and scary.


Respiratory and Circulatory Systems

           There is random day on the fourth week of school that our teacher gave us an activity/project to be present in front of him and to be presented on the given due date, it's either brochure,video,poster,signs,or anything that is all about respiratory and circulatory system.After the instruction was given, our group is having a meeting about the project, minutes later, we already decided then we chose to make brochure.
           After a long day, the time has come,everyone is nervous for their reports, and also our group.When the teacher call our group, my knees are shaking, my hands, and my voice, but good thing God didn't let me to be embarrass by the crowed, and it started with this "Greetings to all, so our group conducted a brochure about the two main systems of our body, the respiratory and circulatory system. Blablahblah.." we showed some tips of our report, I admit it, it's kinda scary, because our teacher is there, the one who critic our reports. Then after a minute, we are done, then we listen to our classmate's comments, opinions about our report,and I cant help my mouth to smile, because the comments are all positive. Omg! 
           As a student, I know school is fun,nervous,cool, and unforgettable. For the first time in my life I encountered a teacher like Sir, who is cool, funny, and awesome when it comes to fun, and serious,when it comes to study.  

Filipino and Foreign Chemists

            The time flies so fast, on our second week of class in chemistry, our teacher discussed about the Filipino and foreign chemist who contributed in the chemistry world.

            Our teacher discussed about the Filipino chemists with their contributions. First Filipino chemist is Dr. Julian A. Banzon as the pioneering works on coconut as a source of chemicals and fuel, and Dr.Alfedo C.Santos who work on alkaloids from indigenous medicinal plants. They are not the only Filipino chemists who contributed in the chemistry world.

                    After the discussions about the Filipino chemist,our teacher never forget to introduced the famous foreign chemists, just like John Dalton,who develop the atomic theory in of matter.Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleyev best known for his development of the periodic table of the properties of the chemical elements.

                    I'm just so amazed of their success because of their experiments, they are so intelligent and they can do that experiments without the help of the internet, they only use their brains and work with it correctly.

 Julian Banzon

 Alfredo Santos